Attallah College Dean Margaret Grogan and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education Michelle Samura share some end-of-the-year reflections on the unexpected turns we’ve all faced during this unique academic year.

Dean Margaret Grogan standing outsideDr. Margaret Grogan, Dean of Attallah College

First and foremost, I hope this message finds you safe and in good health. As the global community continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis, our Attallah College and the larger Chapman community are living in a much different world than we imagined just a few short weeks ago. I am so proud of and amazed by how quickly our students, faculty, and staff have adapted to our new normal.

In the pre-COVID-19 world, Attallah faculty and staff worked to foster educational opportunities for our students and engage with our larger community, both on and off campus. Although we have temporarily moved to remote teaching and learning, I see that mission as more important than ever. We remain committed to providing our students with practical experiences and opening up our doors to our entire community.

Online Resources for Future Educators

In response to the COVID-19 crisis and widespread K-12 school closures, Attallah College’s Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI) immediately stepped up to develop the CAIS Active Education Webinars Series for teacher candidates. The webinars allow teacher candidates at Chapman and beyond to continue their training so they can be prepared to serve their communities in the fall.

Thanks to financial support from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Thompson Family Foundation, TPI is able to offer these webinars at no cost to the webinar participants.

It’s a pleasure to work with a team who cares so deeply about their work and their community.

CTC Accreditation

After a rigorous, multiyear review process, Attallah College has been awarded the full and maximum seven-year accreditation of its teaching, school counseling, and school psychology programs by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC). This is the result years of hard work focused on program improvement and building up our community of alumni and local education partners.

This important achievement ensures to long-term success of our graduate programs and our graduates serving their communities in public and private schools.

C-TAG for Future Educators

Earlier this year, Attallah College was also pleased to finalize partnerships with both Santa Ana College and Santiago Canyon College. The C-TAG (Chapman Transfer Admission Guarantee) for Future Educators is a new pathway for community college students who want to become elementary or special education teachers in their communities.

Thanks to the tireless efforts of Dr. Michelle Samura and the IES team, these new local community college partnerships will bring future educators to Chapman and help fill the growing need for qualified teachers in Orange County.

Community Events, Past and Future

We are so fortunate that we were able to hold our 4th Annual Women’s Leadership Forum on March 7. For many, this was the last public event they attended at Chapman this academic year, so we are grateful for the chance to come together and learn from our speakers and panelists.

While our other events scheduled this spring, the 5th Annual Education & Ethnic Studies Summit and the inaugural Station 2050: Creating Resilient Futures, were postponed, we look forward to convening again once we’re able to return to campus.

Open community events such as these, that open our doors to the broader community, are what make Chapman strong.

Together While Apart

As we finish this academic year, together while apart, I encourage all of you take time connect with friends and family and to practice self-care. Explore the wellness resources on the new CHAPMAN HOPE website developed by the Chapman’s Fish Interfaith Center for the entire Chapman community.

Most importantly, know that the Attallah faculty and staff are here to support you in any way we can. I wish you all a safe summer and hope that you will be able to look back on these challenges as opportunities for personal and professional growth. We are entering a period of “new normal” and we will all be relying on you and your generation for the leadership that will be necessary to ensure a strong future.

I am very proud of our Attallah College students who have risen to the occasion this past year and demonstrated time and time again how important our values of community, inclusion, diversity, justice and equity are.


Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies Michelle Samura standing outsideDr. Michelle Samura, Associate Dean of Undergraduate Education

My family loves to celebrate. Whether the reason is big or small, we relish opportunities to pause and say, “Hooray!” A celebratory cookie or meal often helps mark those special moments.

As we wrap up the 2019-2020 academic year, the idea of celebrating may elicit mixed feelings. Despite the circumstances, I hope you pause and celebrate what you have accomplished, what you have overcome, and the person you are becoming.

I want to take moment now to celebrate and acknowledge the 2019-2020 Attallah Undergraduate Leadership Council: Alana Caires, Paul Callahan, Sophie Friedland, Cala Gin, Philip Goodrich, Makayla Hall, Wendy Herrera, Eden Jacnuk, Nicky Meindl, Nanase Niikura, Maddie Shack, Adelin Tiburcio, Katie Tucker, Molly Weitzman, Hannah Welsh, Nicole Williams, and Sarah Wilson. Their innovative ideas and dedication have greatly enhanced our college and have played in key role in helping the IES and LEAD communities stay connected. Special thanks to Council Chairs Cala Gin, Katie Tucker, and Nicole Williams for their thoughtful leadership and for continuing to further extend the reach and relevance of the council’s efforts. I am inspired by the commitment and care that the Council demonstrates and am excited to see what will transpire in the coming years. If you are a continuing student, please consider joining the council!

Although current end-of-the-year events will look different from previous years, I encourage you still to pause and say. “Hooray!” for yourself and for someone else. For our graduating seniors, we celebrate you now and look forward to celebrating with you in a much grander way in the future. I raise a celebratory cookie to you, to mark this moment and acknowledge all you have accomplished thus far. Continue to stay connected with each other and with us.