
SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, Sept 28, 3-6pm. Dr. Peter McLaren, Dr. Shirley Steinberg, and Dr. Tom Wilson will present their perspectives on “What Difference Does Critical Pedagogy Make?” All students, faculty, staff and community members are invited to attend this event with a reception following at the library for a formal donation to the Paulo Freire Archives and a gallery exhibit on “Who is Paulo Freire?”

Please click here for more details

About the Presenting Scholars

Peter McLaren, Ph.D
., professor of Urban Schooling at UCLA, and is a Distinguished Fellow in Critical Studies in the
College of Educational Studies
.  He is the author of numerous books and journal article on the subject of critical pedagogy and social justice including,  
Che Guevara, Paulo Freire, and the Pedagogy of Revolution
Revolutionary Multiculturalism: Pedagogies Of Dissent For The New Millennium,
Capitalists and Conquerors: A Critical Pedagogy Against Empire

Shirley R. Steinberg Ph.D.
, is the Director and Chair of The Werklund Foundation Centre for Youth Leadership Education, and Professor of Youth Studies at the University of Calgary. She is the author of numerous books and journal article on critical pedagogy, cultural studies, and educational issues including, 
Kinderculture: The Corporate Control of Childhood
,  and

Why Teach against Islamophobia: Striking the Empire Back”,  from
 Teaching Against Islamophobia (Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education)

Tom Wilson, Ph.D
.,is the Director of the
Paulo Freire Democratic Project 
at Chapman University.  Dr. Wilson has extensive experience teacher education, social justice, and democratic education theory and practice.  Some of Dr. Wilson’s notable academic works include, 
Memories of Paulo (Ed),  and “
Liberation pedagogy” from 
The Sage glossary of the social and behavioral sciences