107 posts categorized in

Faculty News


Attallah College Students & Faculty Present at California Association of School Psychologists Convention

October 11, 2017 by | Student News

The Attallah College of Educational Studies sent a multitude of students and faculty to the recent California Association of School Psychologists (CASP) Convention in Garden Grove held October 5-7, 2017. This year’s theme was equity. See below for a list of Attallah College presenters and workshop leaders:   Chapman Ph.D. Student and EdS alum Joe Rubio

An Educational Summer with Chapman Professors

September 7, 2017 by | Education Issues

Photo provided by Dr. Golden from CEE. Pictured from left to right: Tim San Pedro of Ohio State University, Dr. Golden , Anne Elrod Whitney of Pennsylvania State University (moderator of the panel), Tonya Perry of the University of Alabama at Birmingham and Jenell Igeleke Penn, doctoral student at Ohio State University. By Cala Gin

Dr. Michael Hass Receives Lifetime Achievement Honor from CASP

November 4, 2016 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

College of Educational Studies Professor Michael Hass was honored with the California Association of School Psychologists (CASP) highest award during a reception in Newport Beach on October 28. The Sandra Goff Memorial Award is the organizations Lifetime Achievement Honor that recognizes career-long distinguished service to the profession of school psychology in California and beyond. “I

Dr. Monzo hosts speakers from the International Marxist humanist organization

October 27, 2016 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

Professor Lilia Monzó, of the College of Educational Studies, hosted three key speakers of the International Marxist Humanist Organization (IMHO) in “Marx for Today,” a special session of her Freshman Foundations Course (FFC) Revolution and Education on October 20th. Speakers included Kevin Anderson from UC Santa Barbara, author of numerous Marxist texts, including Marx at

Dr. Suzanne SooHoo Honored with Transformative Educator Award

October 25, 2016 by | News

Dr. Suzanne SooHoo, professor in the School of Education, was honored with the inaugural Transformative Educator Award from the La Fetra College of Education at the University of La Verne on October 14, 2016 during their Homecoming Alumni Reception. SooHoo is the Endowed Hassinger Chair in Education and the co-director of the Paulo Freire Democratic

Dr. Anaida Colón-Muñiz recognized by International Society of Black Latinos

October 21, 2016 by | Attallah College of Educational Studies

Guest Blog By Dr. Marie Nubia-Feliciano On September 24 during the annual International Society of Black Latinos Awards Gala, Dr. Anaida Colón-Muñiz received an award. It was in recognition of her being a champion for “promoting cultural awareness, strengthening leadership, and community building.” She was one of four recipients that evening. Some of you may

Critical Pedagogy in China? Really?

August 12, 2016 by | News

It’s difficult grasp the full import of this historic event because there exists a prevailing assumption that a Communist country such as China would not be interested in an approach to pedagogy that is founded on the development of critical consciousness and social transformation.  And yet, that’s precisely where we, Peter McLaren and Suzanne SooHoo

College of Educational Studies announces new deans

July 21, 2016 by | News

Chapman University’s College of Educational Studies (CES) is pleased to announce the appointment of: Kelly Kennedy , associate professor, is the program coordinator of the School Psychology program.  She is the editor of the Trainers’ Forum, and an Associate Editor of Contemporary School

Three CES Faculty Promoted to Full Professor Randy Busse, Roxanne Greitz Miller, and Kimberly White-Smith

April 27, 2016 by | News

Three of the College of Educational Studies most distinguished faculty were recently promoted to full professor, effective at the beginning of the 2016-17 academic year. These three faculty are:   Randy Busse, Ph.D., Counseling and School Psychology           Roxanne Greitz Miller, Ed.D., Director, Institute for Excellence in Teaching & Learning and

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