CU NSSLHA student group is Golden!
The CES is proud to announce that our Chapman student chapter of the National Student Speech Language Hearing Association (NSSLHA), part of our Communication Sciences and Disorders program has been awarded 2011 NSSLHA Gold Chapter Recognition Status by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). By receiving Gold Chapter Status, that places them in the running to receive NSSLHA Chapter

'Wretches and Jabberers' Free Screening Friday, September 23
For More information on this event please see the Happenings blog http://www.wretchesandjabberers.org/

Still Time to Register for the Emerging Scholars Conference
Please visit the ESC Registration page today!

Muslim Communities in Orange County and Teacher Education: What can we learn from each other?
An Invitation to Celebrate the 90th Birthday of Paulo Freire By Joining Friends who Advocate for a Socially Just World Keynote Speaker: Dr. Shirley R. Steinberg is the Director and Chair of the Werklund Foundation Centre for Youth Leadership in Education, and Professor of Youth Studies at the University of Calgary. She is also the Director of

CES Athletic Training Students Intern with USA Volleyball
Three of the College of Educational Studies Athletic Training Students spent the summer working with USA Volleyball as they began to building and training their squad that will hopefully compete next summer at the 2012 Olympics in London! For more information on this wonderful opportunity for CES’s very own Brittany Bergens, Alicia Tate, and Katy

ATEP Program Honored with Prestigious Cramer Professional Development Award
The College of Educational Studies’ Athletic Training Education Program was honored at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association 62nd Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposium in New Orleans in late June, 2011. Under the leadership of Dr. Jason Bennett, the ATEP won the prestigious Cramer Professional Development Award for student development and travel opportunities. Competing with over

Happy Birthday Chapman!
On May 6th, Chapman held a celebration for its 150th Anniversary! Here is a fun video of all the festivities from this momentous occasion! Keep checking back to the Chapman and CES calendar for other events held this year in honor of the University’s 150th Anniversary.

CES Receives Accreditation from TEAC
The College of Educational Studies is very pleased to announce that we have received our 5 year accreditation from the Teacher Education Accreditation Council (TEAC). For the full story please visit Chapman’s Happenings page.

Research Symposium Success
Twelve members of the faculty and six PhD students in the College of Educational Studies joined five faculty members, the Associate Dean, and the Coordinator of International Programs from the School of Education at the University of Waikato in New Zealand for three days of talks, May 23-25, on the Chapman campus. From getting acquainted

CES Student Receives AFCEA Scholarship
The CES is pleased to announce that Chapman University student Ashley Hurlock, Master of Arts in Teaching: Secondary Science (Biology) Emphasis Program, has been chosen as winner of a $5,000 AFCEA Educational Foundation STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics) Teaching Scholarship award for 2011. This is the second consecutive year that students from Chapman’s secondary science/math teacher preparation program have