On July 7th, 2019, Zoom discovered a security flaw in the latest Mac Zoom Client version. This flaw could allow any malicious website to force a user into a zoom call while enabling their web camera without their permission.  Another potential issue would be where a the malicious websites can lock up a computer by repeatedly forcing users to join an invalid call.

Starting today (July 9th) users can download the patch by visiting zoom.us/download. After the patch is deployed and the user’s system is updated, they will be able to manually remove the local Zoom web server from their machine via prompt that will say “Uninstall Zoom”. All saved Zoom meeting setting will be removed as well.

Zoom will be releasing more security patches over the coming days. These patches will repair any other vulnerabilities related to this issue.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding Zoom on your Mac device, please contact the Service Desk at Servicedesk@chapman.edu or (714) 997-6600.