The event was held in the Bowers Museum.

In early November, Chapman University’s Leatherby Libraries Special Collections and Archives division helped organize the first Orange County Archives Bazaar. The event was comprised of over 30 history organizations in the county including libraries, historical societies, and institutions coming together to share their collections. The Archives Bazaar was hosted by the Bowers Museum in Santa Ana.

This event was the first of its kind in the area and Chapman University was a driving force behind its inception. Along with Chapman University, other universities such as UC Irvine and CSU Fullerton also participated and funded the event. The OC Archives Bazaar was held to promote awareness for the many history organizations in the area and connect them to each other. Each organization had its own table to display its artifacts and representatives from each organization were able to mingle with fellow OC historians. In addition, local historians spoke and held presentations throughout the day.

Annie Tang and Laurie Cussalli represented Chapman University.

In total, around 200 people from the community attended the event. The goal of the bazaar was to reach out to the community and to share the history of Orange County. With that objective in mind, the OC Archives Bazaar was a success!

Annie Tang of Leatherby Libraries Special Collections and Archives was the MC for the event.

Artifacts such as old yearbooks were on display on Leatherby Libraries’ table.