Chapman University Digital Commons has continued to flourish since the start of the 2016-2017 school year. We recently celebrated the second anniversary of the Digital Commons in August, right after we passed the 175,000 cumulative downloads mark (and continuing now as we zoom toward 200,000). Works in the Digital Commons are reaching further across the globe, with downloads coming from over 210 countries. Here are some of the latest developments for our repository.


Scientific American and Others Link to Chapman University Digital Commons

In mid-September, Scientific American published a story called “How Morality Changes in a Foreign Language“, wherein they linked to the accepted manuscript for Dr. Terence Burnham’s article “Disfluent Fonts Don’t Help People Solve Math Problems” on the Chapman University Digital Commons. The story was also translated into Spanish on Scientific American’s Spanish website, translated into Russian and reposted on, and reposted in English on Salon. Because of all of these sites linking to our Digital Commons, Dr. Burnham’s article was downloaded over 1,200 times in the last month! Previously, the article had only been available behind a paywall on the publisher’s site, but posting the accepted manuscript for free in the Digital Commons has exposed it to a much wider readership. This is just one example of how works in the Digital Commons can have a global-spanning impact.


Thank you, as always, for contributing to all the great examples of Chapman research and creative work in Chapman University Digital Commons.  As we add more quality content like yours, our reach keeps growing.  Please continue to spread the word, and remember to send any new publications, data sets, teaching materials, or other content to Kristin Laughtin-Dunker at