24 posts categorized in

Collaborations and Partnerships


Leatherby Libraries and IS&T Collaborate on Parent Spring Summit Presentations Teaching AI and Information Security to Chapman Parents

February 6, 2024 by | Collaborations and Partnerships

For the first time ever, the Leatherby Libraries and Information Services & Technology (IS&T) department will be presenting at the Parent Spring Summit!  Librarians and IS&T staff will collaborate on two presentations for the upcoming 2024 Parent Spring Summit. These presentations aim to provide parents with relevant information on artificial intelligence and information security in higher education to keep

Leatherby Libraries Hall of Art Features International Student Photographers Supporting Student Art in Library Spaces

January 5, 2024 by | Exhibits and Displays

We are excited to announce the International Student Photography Exhibition, the newest art installation at the Leatherby Libraries. This is the first year the exhibition has been housed in the Leatherby Libraries’ Hall of Art. The photos in this exhibition were submitted to the Office of International Student Services and the Center of Global Education

Images and Imaginings of Internment Comics and Illustrations of Wartime Incarceration Exhibition

December 12, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Frank Mt. Pleasant Library of Special Collections and Archives at the Leatherby Libraries and the Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences have collaborated to create a semester-long exhibit, Images and Imaginings of Internment: Comics and Illustrations of Camp. This exhibition highlights Japanese American wartime incarceration and its lasting legacy through the lens

Leatherby Libraries and Student Government Association: A Long Lasting Partnership

December 5, 2023 by | Community

The Leatherby Libraries is proud to have a continuous, working relationship with Chapman University’s Student Government Association (SGA). Dean Kevin Ross of the Leatherby Libraries meets with members of the SGA once a semester to discuss potential collaborations and areas where the Leatherby Libraries can better support the Chapman student community. SGA members use this

Black Book Nook Named CASE 2023 Best of District VII Award Winner Fostering Community Engagement with Black History

November 7, 2023 by | Diversity Equity & Inclusion

We are excited to announce that the Black Book Nook: Fostering Community Engagement with Black History has earned a CASE 2023 Best of District VII Winner in the category of Leadership: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives. About the Award The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is a nonprofit organization of educational institutions

Motherhood to motherhoods Display Ideologies of 'The Feminine'

March 9, 2023 by | Exhibits and Displays

The Leatherby Libraries is hosting a semester-long display in conjunction with the upcoming conference Motherhood to motherhoods: Ideologies of ‘The Feminine’ from Friday, April 28 – Sunday, April 30, 2023. This conference is hosted by Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Diversity and Development Libarian Essraa Nawar will participate as a panelist in

The Black Book Nook Fostering education and community engagement with Black history, thought, literature, and culture

December 15, 2022 by | Exhibits and Displays

On Friday, November 4, 2022, the Leatherby Libraries and Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion celebrated the launch of the Black Book Nook on the first floor of the library. The Black Book Nook Collection fosters education and community engagement with Black history, thought, literature, and culture. The Black Book Nook currently has over 250

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