Chapman University School of Pharmacy (CUSP) faculty and students have been awarded over $1 million in the 2014-2015 grant cycle.  Nearly thirty research projects were selected, ranging in topics from potential cancer cures to interactive learning.

Founding Dean Ron Jordan says, “CUSP is proud to be starting our School of Pharmacy with a fairly unique commitment to the science basis for the profession unlike most new schools. Our funded research spending in the first year exceeded one million dollars on awards that will eventually total more than three million.”

“We were proud of researchers Dr. Nauli and Dr. Zhang who received special research awards from Chapman University for Distinguished Research and as a new investigator respectively”

“Research delivers students access to the leading edge of the professions future focus and great researchers make passionate teachers. We expect our basic science and practice based research to increase each year toward a position among the leading schools of pharmacy in the nation.”

The impressive list of funding agencies includes the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, The American College of Sports Medicine, American Heart Association, National Ataxia Foundation, and Chapman University.