First-Ever ES&P Networking Mixer Brought Positivity During Pandemic

June 24, 2020 by Monroe Roush | Events

I chose Chapman in part because of the Environmental Science and Policy (ES&P) program. I was attracted to the small class sizes, the passion of the students, and the professors I met when I was a prospective student. Now that I am a junior, I can confidently say that the major has far exceeded my


Call to Action for Racial Justice in STEM

June 10, 2020 by Edena Khoshaba | Student Author

As the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and countless others cause nationwide anguish, millions of people have mobilized to fight for racial justice. I am glad to see that Chapman has issued statements and invited speakers and staff to address this movement and denounce continued violence against Black communities. However, while their


To The Incredible Schmid Faculty...

May 17, 2020 by Lindsay Zumwalt '20 | Student Author

Dear Schmid Faculty, When the final weeks of our last undergraduate semester moved online, many of us seniors were disheartened, not knowing when the next time we would see the Schmid faculty in-person. Although, yes, we see our current professors virtually every week, it is not the same. We cannot say hello to our freshman


A Trip to the Galápagos

February 12, 2020 by Alex Graden | Student Focus

Alex Graden is a senior biochemistry and molecular biology major. He participated in the ENV 227 Interterm Travel Course – 2020 Galápagos Trip. This past interterm, I took an amazing travel course with 13 other Chapman students to the Galápagos Islands. There was also a lot of pre-trip preparation. As an independent study, one other student


Technology and Healthcare

January 27, 2020 by Lindsay Zumwalt | Student Focus

My name is Lindsay Zumwalt and I am a senior molecular biology major here at Chapman University. I will be graduating in the spring with aspirations to attend medical school. Ultimately, I want to be a pediatric physician working to integrate technology into the healthcare field. With technological advances on the rise, I strongly believe


How a Conference in Chicago Changed my Understanding of Healthcare

December 2, 2019 by Natalie Paterson | Student Focus

My name is Natalie Paterson, and I am a senior biochemist and nutrition minor on track to complete the 4 + 1 B.S. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology/M.S. Food Science integrated degree program by May 2021. Specifically, the integrated program is in direct alignment with my aspiration to use food as medicine. Thus far, pursuing my


How to Study Abroad in the Sciences

November 18, 2019 by Monroe Roush | Student Focus

This week is International Education Week, a time to learn about the different ways students can study abroad and expand their cultural awareness. Chapman’s Center for Global Education (CGE) offers a myriad of opportunities that range from single travel courses to full semesters (or years!) abroad. For our science students, studying abroad can seem like


HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT YOUR FOOD? Chapman wins Regional College Bowl Competition!

June 10, 2019 by Maria Khalil | News

At the 2019 Pacific Southwest Area Meeting, Chapman took first place in a food science-based trivia competition: COLLEGE BOWL. In partnership with the Institute of Food Technologists Student Association, a team of Chapman food science students joined forces to plan and implement the 2019 Pacific Southwest Area Meeting/College Bowl Competition. The team was comprised of


Inside the GCI Makerspace

April 15, 2019 by Amy Lam | Student Author

At the end of the Fall semester, I was offered a position as an assistant in the Grand Challenges Initiative (GCI) Makerspace. It was very rewarding to help the program transform an old organic chemistry lab into a creative space for students to explore interdisciplinary solutions with sophisticated equipment. The new Makerspace includes everything from


Students Travel To D.C. For Citizens’ Climate Congressional Education Day

December 1, 2017 by Kelvin Hoppel | Student Focus

Over 500 volunteers travelled to the nation’s capital a few weeks ago to learn how to become active members in a democracy from one of the most prominent grassroots environmental organizations in the nation: The Citizens’ Climate Lobby/Citizens’ Climate Education (CCL/CCE). Thanks to SGA funding, CCL, and support from a multitude of Chapman University faculty

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