Congratulations to the Languages Department!

On October 31, 2011, Wilkinson College’s Languages Department entered Chapman’s 2nd Annual Panther Pumpkin Pageant and won the award for Best Chapman Theme. There were multiple entries and the winners were selected by ballot votes in 3 different categories: 
Most Original
Best Chapman Theme
Most Humorous

The Languages Department re-created Chapman’s Global Citizens Plaza, the circular plaza west of the university’s Zee Allred Aquatics Center. The pumpkin was spray painted silver to assimilate the fountain’s large rotating stainless-steel sphere that represents the globe. They carved a panther on one side of the pumpkin and wrote the words “Happy Halloween” in the various languages offered by the department on the other side. All flags were hand-made. Their hard work and creativity was recognized and awarded properly. Congratulations! We cannot wait to see next year’s entry. 

To see pictures of all the contestants, click on the following link: