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ART 195 x The Escalette Collection: Art Hunt!

July 18, 2024 by Natalie Teeter | News

This past spring semester, Art and Text (ART 195), the introductory class for all studio art and art history majors and minors, piloted an exciting class project with the Escalette Collection of Art, an academic unit of Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Art and Text (ART 195) educates art students on how

Top Career Trends for 2024: Emerging Career Trends for Social Sciences, Humanities, and Arts Graduates Career Corner

July 9, 2024 by | News

The job market is rapidly evolving, driven by technological advancements and social changes. This means new and exciting career opportunities for Wilkinson College graduates. Let’s dive deeper into some of the emerging career trends, understanding the context and the skills required for these roles. Interested in some of these career paths? Consider an internship in

2023-2024 Student-Proposed Acquisitions

June 18, 2024 by Natalie Teeter and Jessica Bocinski | News

For several years, it has been standard practice for the Escalette Collection of Art in Wilkinson College to include students in its acquisition process. Student input supports our goal of building a collection that can serve as an educational resource that is directly tied to students’ classes, research, and interests. It also helps students feel

Art History Partners with Getty Research Institute

May 13, 2024 by Dr. Amy Buono | News

Seeking to understand the rich artistic cultures of the Mexica (Aztec) civilization in Tenochtitlán, Dr. Amy Buono’s Art History class ­­––The Arts of Tenochtitlán-Mexico City (AH 323) –– embarked on a semester-long journey through the Florentine Codex, a Nahua manuscript that records Indigenous history and knowledge of sixteenth-century central Mexico. Researched for decades by Spanish

New Fiber Lab in Art Department

April 1, 2024 by | News

Lorena Ochoa, Studio Manager for the Art Department,oversees the Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture Labs in Moulton Hall. She recently launched the Fiber Lab – an artistic practice that spans a wide range of techniques, such as quilting, thread painting, weaving, and soft sculpture, usually to create works made of natural or synthetic fibers such as

From Our Eyes: The Warped Side of Our Universe

February 28, 2024 by Lisa Wong | News

This edition of From Our Eyes features Lisa Wong, (‘25, Broadcast Journalism and Documentary major and double minor in Chinese and Visual Journalism). Wong attended The Warped Side of Our Universe event which featured President Daniele Struppa moderating a conversation with Nobel Laureate in Physics Kip Thorne and Associate Professor of Art, Lia Halloran on

Excursion to the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens From Our Eyes:

January 24, 2024 by Natalie Teeter | News

This edition of From Our Eyes features Natalie Teeter, a rising junior pursuing a major in Strategic and Corporate Communication and minor in Studio Art. Teeter and a group of Wilkinson students and staff recently visited the Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens to view their exceptional collection of Asian American artifacts. The trip

Bound in Bone: A New Student-Generated Exhibition in Roosevelt Hall

January 12, 2024 by Jessica Bocinski | News

As part of Wilkinson College’s 2023 Engaging the World Initiative, Leading the Conversation on Health Equity, the Escalette Collection of Art partnered Wilkinson and Crean College students with LA-based artist Jenny Yurshansky to create an experiential display in Roosevelt Hall titled Bound in Bone. The exhibition will be on display until November, 2024. Roosevelt Hall

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