Stephen Berens, an art faculty member, will have his work showcased in REFOCUS: Multicultural Focus. This exhibit is a participating gallery in the Pacific Standard Time and consists of current photography work done by nineteen of the artists from the original Multicultural Focus exhibition.

“In 1981 the exhibition Multicultural Focus was mounted at Los Angeles Municipal Gallery Barnsdall Park …The show was one of two exhibitions selected to celebrate the Los Angeles Bicentennial and it was the first cross-cultural exhibition of photography in the Los Angeles area. Suzanne Muchnic, called it “the best contemporary show (of photography) of the year”, Los Angeles Times: Dec. 27, 1981.”

The opening reception will be this Saturday, January 7 from 5-7pm and the exhibit will be showing up until January 29.

Santa Monica Art Studios
3026 Airport Ave
Santa Monica, CA 90405

For more information visit