Chapman alumna Sasha Anderson (’10) was recently awarded a position at the Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board through Get Engaged, an innovative program that places emerging young leaders on different public Boards and Commissions each year.

At the Seattle Landmarks Preservation, Anderson contributes in application reviews of buildings nominated to be landmarks as well as changes to existing landmarks.

As part of the board, Anderson helps determine if something is worthy of being deemed a city landmark, and weighs buildings against a set of criteria such as the significance of the architect or architectural style as well as the significance of its owners/former occupants and if the location is associated with a historic event.

This board serves a particularly important preservation function given the high level of land development and construction currently happening in the City of Seattle.

In addition to serving on the board, Anderson also participates in monthly youth leadership events with her fellow Get Engaged members and has to plan one event focused on engaging youth in city leadership during her term.