Traveling to a foreign country can be a daunting challenge for any college student, particularly when your native language is seldom spoken. Learning a new language however does not only facilitate communication with others, but it allows us to learn more about the culture of others as well as our own. From greetings to buying food at the local market, we as travelers are forced out of our comfort zone. We must develop our ability to adapt to new environments and learn how to engage with others who are seemingly different. These experiences are both educational and fun and this coming Interterm 2015,
Professor Heather Ter-Jung
Professor Karen Gallagher
, of Wilkinson College’s Department of World Languages and Culture, will be teaching students just that.


Chapman students standing in front of the National Theater which is Munich’s opera house, after taking a behind the scenes tour of both the front and the back of the house.

Chapman students will be traveling with the professors to Germany, and participating in an intensive language course. From Monday through Friday, students will be expected to attend language school for four hours each day, and during the afternoons have the opportunity to explore an aspect of German culture. Afternoon activities are plentiful, but the mission of students is first and foremost about foreign language. Students will be given a tour of the Hellabrunn Tierpark, take strolls through the city center and market square, and climb the historic bell tower of St. Peter’s church. They will be immersed in the country’s rich history as they visit the Neuschwanstein Castle, the Schloss (Palace), an opera house, as well as local art and technology museums. Those interested in business, economics, and communication will have the opportunity to tour the BMW facilities and hear first-hand accounts from the company’s executives. The professors hope that students will learn to embrace differences, have increased global understanding, and return to the United States with new insights of their own culture and those of others.

Travel Course GER 101, 102, 201, 399 is set to depart on January 4, 2015 and return January 24, 2015. This course has a total cost range of $2727.00-$3000.00 and may incur expenses such as lodging, excursions, etc not to exceed $3000.00. This program does not include international airfare. Hotel accommodations, some meals, transportation, and faculty-led cultural excursions are included. The Cost Range does NOT include any tuition costs.

For more information please email, Professor Ter-Jung at,
 or Professor Gallagher at
. A completed Enrollment and Financial Obligations Form and a $500 non-refundable deposit are due no later than 4 PM Friday, October 24, 2014. Please bring your completed Enrollment and Financial Obligation form and receipt of deposit the Center for Global Education, 576 N. Glassell St. Orange.