Flyer for Life Support
Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences
and the
English Department
invite you to Life Support: Energy, Economy & Environment on March 18, 2015 with Michael Rubenstein, an assistant professor of English at Sony Brook University in Argyros Forum, 206A at 7 p.m.

Professor Rubenstein will address questions of economic development in Mohsin Hamid’s three popular novels set in Lahore, Pakistan. In his books, Hamid presents basic infrastructures taken for granted in the U.S. – things like, electricity, water supply, sewage and waste management – as matters of profound personal and national insecurity. Rubenstein Demonstrates Hamid’s preoccupation with Pakistan’s failing infrastructure, and shows how his novels argue subtlety but forcefully for water and power as fundamental human rights.

For more information about this event, please contact
Dr. Joanna Levin