Woman smiling.Friday is the last day to register for Spring 2016 internships without a petition.
In honor of all you can learn about your love or distaste for an industry, your skills and the value of networking, we asked a serial intern in Strategic and Corporate Communication what she has learned after three social media and publicity internships in industries ranging from nonprofit to fashion and the music industry.

Amanda Becker, junior, SCC major, has interned in social media and publicity at CASA Orange County, Hera Rentals, (Bridesmaid rental dress company), and Epic Records. She has done so well at her internships that one has already offered her a job. We asked Amanda what she has learned. Here are her top five take-aways.


The Medium Is The Message:
Doing my social media internships really taught me that tailoring your medium to your target audience is the most important thing because then you are targeting people who are interested in what you have to say. When I interned in the bridal industry, the company’s website received 80 percent of its traffic from Pinterest, so we knew to place a special emphasis on updating the Pinterest account.

Transparency is Key:
I learned that being transparent with your boss is a good thing! Keeping them up on the content you are creating and ideas you are brainstorming helps them trust you more and shows that you’re proud of your work.

Even Glamorous Internships Aren’t All Sparkle
: Interning in the music industry is both just as glamorous as you’d expect, and also painfully normal at the same time. It’s easy to get caught up in celebrity sightings and free swag, but the industry is fast-paced and requires a lot of organization and dedication!

Take initiative:
Go above and beyond with your internships, no matter what field. You never know when an internship could turn into a job opportunity, so I believe in giving it your best. It will never hurt you to give it your all and always be available to learn and help out wherever needed. Putting yourself out there distinguishes you from other interns and shows your character.

Keep In Touch!:
After doing a great job working for a company, you never know when they will think of your name when a new job position comes up. Connect with them on LinkedIn. If you see them around town, say hi and catch up.

One of the supervisors of one of my past internships emailed me recently about a job opportunity in the company because I stood out as an intern. I had to turn it down obviously since I am only a junior, but it was a good reminder that I gave that internship 100 percent and it didn’t go unnoticed!

Thanks, Amanda!

If you need help finding an internship, in the Department of Communication you can speak with
Dr. Jonathan Denham
. You can also work with the Career Development Center.