Calling all Com and SCC students!  Do you love your carbs (ie. Pizza) combined with learning about what classes you should take to maximize your COM or SCC degree?  Do you want help determine the most efficient path to graduating?  The Department of Communication will host a special session called “PizzAdvising” on Monday, April 4. Bring your own laptop and head over to:

Beckman 103
April 4
7-9:30 p.m.

Come and meet with communication faculty while you grab a slice of free pizza and get advising questions answered on the spot! Please join department Chair Dr. Lisa Sparks, Director of Undergraduate Studies Dr. Michelle Miller-Day, SCC program evaluation advisor Prof. Travis Bartosh, COM program evaluation advisor Dr. Arleen Bejerano and communication faculty will be there to answer your questions.

There is no need to RSVP. Just drop in and the faculty will be happy to help!

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