Shoshana Feld-Sobol
Strategic and Corporate Communication (’17)

Things to do this Spring Season:

Spring is officially here. The rain has finally come to a stop, the sun is shining bright, bringing with it some lovely warm weather, and flowers are blossoming around campus. There’s something about spring and new life that prompts action, and the desire to explore and create. With that being said, we’re giving you a list of our Spring “To-Do’s” and we hope you enjoy them!

  1. Plant an edible garden/ flower garden or cute pots of succulents for your home
  2. Get take out at your favorite restaurant or grocery store and bring it to a park for a nice picnic
  3. Make the Farmer’s Market a normal part of your shopping routine
  4. Have a BBQ with friends in your backyard
  5. Create a list of your favorite hikes and or beaches to visit (getting your Vitamin D the fun way!)
  6. Do spring cleaning and then have a garage sale for some extra money as the summer spending season comes
  7. Go to a professional or campus sporting event outside, such as tennis
  8. Go berry picking and make jam with your collection of berries

There are endless things to do in the Spring as the weather becomes warmer and the days become longer. These eight suggestions should keep you busy for awhile, let us know if you have any suggestions of your own!