The Fashion and Race Database The Fashion and Race Database provides an accessible, academic treatment to one of fashion’s most critical topics facing us today.
October 7, 2020

Rachel Kinnard teaches Fashion: Culture and Industry, one of the variations of CCI 304 Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice.
Rachel Kinnard teaches Fashion: Culture and Industry, one of the variations of CCI 304 Creative and Cultural Industries in Practice, and recently she’s also been working on a project called the Fashion and Race Database with the founder of the project, Kimberly Jenkins, professor of Fashion Studies at Ryerson University in Toronto.
The Fashion and Race Database started out as a WordPress site called the Fashion and Race Syllabus. Jenkins was gathering resources about race in the fashion industry for her own work and wanted to share them with the public, but when Jenkins began working at Ryerson, they were able to invest more into the project and expand it.