The Panther, the digital daily, PantherBuzz and Prowl magazine are accepting applications for all paid editing positions next semester.  Previous academic or professional journalism experience required.  Current weekly rate of pay for editors  follows… (To calculate semester pay, multiply weekly pay by 18 weeks, e.g. Editor in Chief is paid $9,576 per semester, plus additional weekly pay in January.) Available

  • Editor-In-Chief: $532
  • Managing Editor: $228
  • News Editor: $200
  • Assistant news: $84
  • Features: $158
  • Assistant features: $52.50
  • Opinion: $105
  • Sports: $132
  • Web: $105
  • Assistant web: $63
  • Photo: $132
  • Video: $105
  • Art director: $126
  • Copy Editor: $84
  • Prowl Magazine: $63
  • Business: $84
  • Advertising: $53
  • Distribution: $42

To apply, submit the the following information:

  1. Cover letter that includes the specific job the applicant wants, examples of how the applicant will improve the Panther and the digital daily Pantheronline, and examples of job-related experience and skills.
  2. Media resume
  3. Four-five samples of best work.
  4. List of journalism courses completed, where completed, and grades earned.

Please email applications by November 6 to:  Prof. Susan Paterno ( and Editor Jamie Altman (