The interdisciplinary panel “Nature of Reality” will take place at the Folino Theater on March 31, 2011 at 6 p.m.. The event is organized by the Schmid College of Science in partnership with the Dodge College and the Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

The panel discussion will be moderated by Chapman Chancellor, Dr. Daniele Struppa and feature guest speakers including noted bestselling author Deepak Chopra (pictured right) and Michael Shermer, founding editor of Skeptic Magazine, among others. The panel discussion will start by asking two questions, “Is there an Ultimate Reality?” and if yes, “Can it be accounted for by science such as mathematics, biology and physics?”

The panelists will address the questions, then they will be given a chance to respond to each other and interact, followed by opening up the floor to Q&A; from the audience. We expect a variety of views from science, and philosophy and the event will be lively and informative. The panelists are practicing scientists, authors, health professionals as well as experts in philosophical systems from different fields. As the two main paradigms in science are, in a broad sense, the physical and the biological, these questions will be addressed by both physicists and biologists/M.D.’s as well as other experts. The role of mathematics as the fundamental language of nature, quantum measurements, philosophical approaches, biological, psychological and neuroscience findings for brain and mind, are all possible discussion points.

 Off-campus guests $25, Chapman Faculty/Staff/Students are free. For more information, please contact Ashley Melton at 714.289.2040 or email her at,