Hailey Giczy (’09) and Associate Professor of History Lee Estes flew to Boston and the Annual American Historical Association Conference, together with Hailey’s mom, on Thursday,  January 6th.  Friday morning everyone woke early for a behind the scenes tour of the 1795 Charles Bullfinch Massachusetts State House just off the Boston Commons.  The tour was led by Phu Mai, a Chapman history graduate (’08), and now an aide for a state representative.  Afterwards, they had lunch at America’s oldest restaurant, the Union Oyster House.  Friday evening at the AHA Annual Meeting Hailey was formally presented with the first Raymond J. Cunningham Prize for her research paper, “The Bum Blockade: Los Angeles and the Great Depression,” by the retiring President of the AHA, Barbara Metcalf.  The prize also included a $200 check for Voces Novae, the journal in which Hailey’s paper was published.  On Saturday Phu took everyone on an auto tour of the battlefields of Lexington and Concord as well as to the historic seaport of Salem where the famous witch trials took place.  Lee returned home Saturday evening and Hailey’s mom on Sunday, but Hailey stayed around until Tuesday in order to take in more of Boston’s historic sights.

Watch Hailey receive her award below at the 9:45 mark.
