Dr. Wenshan Jia with Dr. Binlan Huang,
a Fulbright Faculty Scholar at Chapman University.

 Representatives from Los Angeles-based Consulates General of the People’s Republic of China visited Chapman University last month, thanks to an invitation extended by Chapman University’s visiting Fulbright Faculty Scholar, Binlan Huang, Ph.D.

In addition to her research work, Dr. Huang is also using her time here to help promote inter-cultural relations. At her invitation, the education consul, Zhunmin Chen, and education vice-consul, Yi Wang, visited Chapman last month. The two consuls met with Dean Patrick Quinn of Wilkinson College; Jim Coyle, Ph.D., director of Chapman’s Center for Global Education; Wenshan Jia, Ph.D., associate professor, and holder of the Wang-Fradkin Professorship in Scholarly Excellence, Department of Communication Studies; and Chancellor Daniele Struppa.

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