Book cover for Telling the Bees
MFA/MA English
student, Peggy Hesketh, has published her Chapman thesis novel, ”
Telling the Bees
,” with Putnam Press.

Hesketh will be reading and signing books at the Book Carnival in Orange on March 7, 2013 at 7 p.m., on the novel’s release date, and again on March 13, 2013 at Vroman’s in Pasadena.

Here are what some are saying about her book …

“Telling the Bees is a marvel. With infinite compassion and perfect pitch, Peggy Hesketh has written an American classic: the inadvertent examination of a life unlived, told by the 80-year-old beekeeper who didn’t live it. It’s a wonderful read for anyone who loves a great and unforgettable story told well.”—Elizabeth George, New York Times-bestselling author of the Inspector Lynley series

“What a wonderful novel! The voice is so masterfully done, the mysteries of life and death so compellingly evoked. But best of all is the way Telling the Bees reminds us that even the quietest life will still hold its full measure of drama and passion.” —Karen Joy Fowler, New York Times-bestselling author of The Jane Austen Book Club

“In Peggy Hesketh’s poignant debut novel, Telling the Bees, the lasting effects of long held secrets is at the core of beekeeper Albert Honig’s otherwise quiet world. In the twilight of his life, Honig is haunted by the past memories of his long-time neighbors. Rich in detail, Hesketh has crafted a thoughtful, compelling story of loss and regret and the unforeseeable consequences that come when the truth is finally revealed. A wonderful read.” —Gail Tsukiyama, author of A Hundred Flowers

“Telling the Bees is a charming tale of a bygone era evoking the power of the past to influence the future. Hesketh’s ability to create an evocative narrative will leave readers eager to read more by this talented writer.”—Jo-Ann Mapson, author of Solomon’s Oak and Finding Casey