Seven Wilkinson College students have been accepted to present at the Pacific Sociological Conference and will be traveling to Seattle, WA in March 2011. 

Below are the students and the papers they will be presenting.

Akio Lloyd (’11),  BA SOC /Minor Anthropology, “Island Harbor Fishermen”
Josefine Borrmann (’11), Ethnographic Documentary Major, “Identity Construction and Life Satisfaction of Illegal Immigrants from South Africa”
Kyle Banick (’11), BA Philosophy/Minor Sociology, “Adrenaline and Television” 
Joey Huddleston (’11),  BA Peace Studies and Sociology, “Paradoxical Identity Development in Saharawi Youth”
Diana Chao (’11), BA Communications and Sociology, ” Exploring Filial Responsibility Asian Adult Daughters and Mothers”
Lauren Padilla (’12), BA Sociology, “Self Identity and Use of Technology Among Adolescents”
Denise Bennett-Beatty (’12), BA Sociology, “Over 50 and Unemployed”