Chapman University and Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences invites you to the Public Sociology Conference entitled, Faceless Latino/a Immigrants: Pathways to Resistance at Chapman University on March 16 and March 17, 2012.
The conference aims to encourage meaningful conversations and practices between scholars, policy makers and local Latino/a communities on undocumented immigrants in Orange County. It is an interdisciplinary conference organized by the Department of Sociology of Wilkinson College in collaboration with the College of Education Studies and the School of Law at Chapman University, in effort to engage scholars, grassroots groups, students and local institutions in serious dialogue on different models of conversations, engagement practices.

The conference will consist of six special panels of community members and scholars discussing.

  • Contextualizing the Immigration Debate and Making Sense of the Backlash against the Undocumented
  • The Criminalization of Immigration and the Violence on the Borders
  • Education and Resistance: Pedagogical Nuances and the Dare to DREAM Movement
  • Solutions to Immigration: Cutting across National and Local Dimensions
  • Exclusion Versus Inclusion: Why Assisting the Undocumented Makes for Healthier Communities

The conference will run from 9am to 8pm on Friday (with breakfast, lunch and dinner provided) and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday (with breakfast and lunch provided).

For more information, please see our website.