Man smiling.
You are invited to attend the annual Men of Integrity / Women of Strength, Courage, Action event, on Wednesday, February 25, 2015 in Memorial Hall, 7 – 8 p.m.

This year’s event is titled, How Men Can Help End Rape: Intervening for Prevention and Helping Survivors hosted by John D. Foubert from Oklahoma State University.


John D. Foubert, Ph.D. is a faculty member at Oklahoma State University and National President of “One in Four.”
One in Four is a national nonprofit organization founded in 1998 with the goal of ending rape on college campuses and in the military. Dr. Foubert has written 51 articles, 9 books, 7 of which deal with the prevention of sexual assault. His rape prevention programs are in use worldwide by colleges and military units. He has been called upon by the White House and the Pentagon to help solve the problem of rape in the military. He has also testified before Congress and been a featured guest on the NPR show Talk of the Nation.

This presentation will provide helpful information based on sound research. We hope you will consider joining us.