Elizabeth Wong, a freshman business major in Tammy Lechner’s ENG 103 Writing About People class, has won the “Discover Asia Correspondent Contest.”

The contest, co-sponsored by Korean Airlines and the Los Angeles Times, invited high school and college students to choose any destination in Asia serviced by Korean Airlines, and write an essay explaining their choice in destination, and what story (correspondence) they would produce during an all-expenses paid, five-day stay. The resulting story will be published in the LA Times.

Under the guidance of Ms. Lechner, a fantastic adjunct instructor and award-winning photojournalist, Elizabeth Wong entered her essay (attached) about being born in China under the one-child law, and adopted form an orphanage at nine-months old to an American family. As the sole college winner of this honor, she will be acknowledged and awarded at the LA Times Festival of the Books, USC campus, on Sunday, April 10.