298 posts categorized in

Faculty Awards/Scholarships


Faculty Books: Victoria Carty on the Worldwide Immigration Crisis 

January 20, 2021 by | News

  Dr. Victoria Carty, Associate Professor of Sociology in Wilkinson College, explores recent world-wide migrations, the rise of nativism and white supremacy, and the important role of social movements in her most recent book, “The Immigration Crisis in Europe and the U.S.-Mexico Border in the Era of Heightened Nativism.” . The Voice of Wilkinson sat

Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity

January 13, 2021 by | News

Congratulations to the three Innovation in Diversity and Inclusion Research, Scholarship and Creative Activity award recipients from Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences! This new competitive internal funding opportunity allows faculty to apply for up to $15,000 to conduct innovative research, scholarship, and creative activity. The aim of this program is meant to

The Strange and Powerful Objects in Our Universe

December 7, 2020 by | News

  Black Hole Survival Guide, written by astrophysicist Janna Levin and illustrated by Lia Halloran (Associate Professor of Art in Wilkinson College) is a playful exploration into the structure and nature of black holes for everyone interested to figure out a little more about the strange and powerful objects in our universe. “We’ve always loved

Studying Consciousness and the Quantum What is the role of consciousness and the observer in quantum mechanics, and how should we model it mathematically? 

November 17, 2020 by | News

  Dr. Kelvin McQueen (Chapman University, Wilkinson College, Philosophy) and Dr. Markus P. Müller (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Vienna, Austria) have individually tried to answer these questions in two quite different and unconventional ways. Through a $31,728 grant, “Mathematical models of idealism and dualism: an adversarial collaboration,” awarded from the Foundational Questions

Faculty Books: The Gobblin’ Society by James Blaylock

November 16, 2020 by | News

If you are looking for literary merit — theme, symbol, social and/or political commentary, or relevance of any sort — Wilkinson College English Professor James Blaylock, cautions that you won’t find it in his latest novel, The Gobblin’ Society. He is however, hoping readers will have a good time reading it, “maybe along with a

Chapman Research Mentor Helps Undergrads Overdeliver

October 21, 2020 by Ann Gordon | News

I’m passionate about undergraduate research because I’ve seen firsthand how it transforms lives. Just as important, I’ve seen how young scholars greatly contribute to successful research projects. The influence of students was central when my co-PI partners Christopher Bader, Edward Day and I first developed the Chapman University Survey of American Fears, an in-depth examination

The International Space Station Archaeological Project

October 20, 2020 by | News

What is “space archeology”? Dr. Justin Walsh (Chapman University, Associate Professor of Art) and Dr. Alice Gorman (Flinders University, Australia) are pioneering a new sub-field by extending a traditionally earth-bound discipline to space. “Our insights will help mission planners and spacecraft designers understand how to improve habitats so that they promote a healthy social life

Chapman Linguist Protects Languages and Lives in Peru During COVID-19

October 19, 2020 by | News

Pilar Valenzuela’s field work in Peru is usually about documenting indigenous languages among people she has worked with since her graduate school days. But now, in the era of COVID-19, she’s working just as hard to save their lives. “How can you do this sophisticated research when people are dying?” Valenzuela says. Through the documentation

Faculty Books: All the Hills by Dr. Brian Glaser

October 2, 2020 by Marrissa Childs, MFA Graduate Student, ‘21 | News

2020 has brought its challenges as we deal with staying in our homes, staring through computer cameras, and watching as the world passes by us. With so much time for realization and reflection, there isn’t a better time to pick up a book of poetry.  Look no further, Dr. Brian Glaser, associate professor for the

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