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From Our Eyes  Tryphena Yeboah (‘21): The Courage to Write  

September 14, 2020 by Tryphena Yeboah (MFA ‘21) | News

From Our Eyes showcases Wilkinson students’ first-hand accounts of their undergraduate and graduate experiences. This post features Tryphena Yeboah (MFA ‘21). Yeboah is a 2019-21 MFA fellows and an international student from Ghana. She recently took 3rd Place for her nonfiction essay titled “The Ravages of an Unloved Life” with Narrative, an online literary magazine

Sociology Professor Dr. Pete Simi Awarded Grant for Counterterrorism Research How can we support families to more effectively identify and counter warning signs for white supremacist extremism?

September 8, 2020 by | News

“For too long we have ignored the problem of white supremacist extremism which has allowed this problem to grow and fester.” said Dr. Pete Simi, Associate Professor of Sociology. “Now, we are facing on and offline recruitment occurring across a wide range of social media platforms and youth subcultures with increased sophistication sometimes relying on

Faculty Books: Kevin O’Leary and Madison’s Sorrow

September 8, 2020 by Philip Goodrich | News

With a current political environment that seems more divisive than ever, many Americans find themselves questioning the actions, decisions, and beliefs of those in power. In his new book, “Madison’s Sorrow: Today’s War on the Founders and America’s Liberal Ideal,” (Pegasus Books distributed by Simon & Schuster), Kevin C. O’Leary (Political Science) provides “an eye-opening cultural

Journalism Students: Foot Soldiers of Democracy

September 3, 2020 by Vik Jolly | News

As Wilkinson College’s journalism program enters its second year of a partnership with the Voice of OC, even more students are getting a taste of real-life journalism while reporting, writing and editing with Orange County’s nonprofit newsroom. Under the guidance of professional journalists, students post dispatches and stories about local government and its impact on

Get to Know Wilkinson’s Newest Faculty

August 17, 2020 by | News

Wilkinson College was looking for a way to connect with our new faculty via physical distancing. The Voice of Wilkinson reached out to the newest members of our community and asked them a few questions. We wanted to find out why they chose Wilkinson and what it meant to be a part of the heart

Faculty Books: John Thrasher, Daniel Halliday Rethink Ethics and Capitalism

August 13, 2020 by Tryphena Yeboah | News

Beyond anything experienced in nearly a century, the COVID-19 pandemic has affected thousands of lives, created big shifts in stock markets and has raised an overall uncertainty about what the future looks like and the cost of recovery that will come with it. With the majority of countries plunged into a crisis described as the

Faculty Books: Examining the Presidency with Dr. Lori Cox Han

August 13, 2020 by Philip Goodrich | News

As the 2020 election approaches, the world is becoming more and more focused on the role and significance of the presidency in American politics. At a time when leadership is more important than ever, the upcoming election will undoubtedly shape the future of this country and go down as one of the most significant elections

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp Learning through the Grant Process Simulation

August 12, 2020 by | News

Through a competitive application process, six Wilkinson College faculty have been selected to participate in the second annual Chapman Grant Writers’ Boot Camp, designed to assist faculty in learning about all phases of applying for external grant funds. In this simulation of the grant process, faculty will respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP), learn

Celebrities of the Digital Commons Wilkinson's Dr. Shira Klein

August 12, 2020 by Rachel Karas | News

Since May, we’ve chatted with five different Chapman University professors about their contributions to the Chapman University Digital Commons as a way of celebrating the Digital Commons reaching the wonderful milestone of one million downloads at the end of April. This week, we sat down with Dr. Shira Klein, professor of History, to discuss her contributions to the Digital Commons, which include

Faculty Books: Rocks, the Timeless Bridge Between Man and Nature

July 27, 2020 by Samantha De La O | News

Have you ever been so captivated by the shape, color, or texture of a rock in nature that you decide to pick it up and keep it? If so, you have been tapping into the ancient practice of “viewing stones.” In art, the term “viewing stones,” is primarily associated with two traditions of stone appreciation—the

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