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Career Corner How a Major or Minor in Philosophy can Prepare you for the Future

November 20, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

What exactly is Philosophy? How does a Philosophy major or minor prepare you for a career? Philosophy involves thinking about some big questions in life and gives you the tools that will enable you to make informed judgments. Philosophy classes offer the space to think, write, and discuss one’s experiences broadly — not just the

How Two Chapman Humanities Grads Landed Writing Jobs on ABC’s ‘Black-ish’ For Graham Towers ‘08 (MA/MFA ‘12) and Ben Deeb ‘09, diverse journeys lead to insight and opportunity.

November 4, 2020 by Dennis Arp | News

It all started with short films starring cartoon animals. While their film school peers in a Visual Storytelling course were crafting sensitive tales full of dream sequences and dark storylines, Graham Towers ‘08 (MA/MFA ‘12) and Ben Deeb ‘09 were amusing each other with their comedic stories. One of their films was about a sentient

Career Corner Improving Gender Equality in the Workplace 

October 30, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

I was once told to always remove my wedding ring before going into an interview, so I wouldn’t be pre-judged for having a family and the job being affected. This stereotype is proof that women still have to think about these types of inequalities.  Recently I was asked to speak on a panel, Women in

Nailing an Interview, During COVID and Beyond!

August 25, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

It doesn’t seem to be the easiest time to find a job right now, but according to LinkedIn and other job sites, plenty of companies and organizations are hiring.  So, there is hope!  The COVID-19 pandemic is keeping most people and students at home, which means, interviewing for a job or internship will most likely

Career Corner Higbee & Associates Raise the Bar on Internships

July 23, 2020 by Erin Berthon | Wilkinson College

One of the most impactful experiences during your time as an undergraduate student is completing an internship. Gaining work experience is key for boosting your employability, especially as a liberal arts student. As the career advisor for Wilkinson College, it is important that I make connections with organizations and companies that can provide a great

Career Corner Meet Alumna Alana Routé, Clinic Operations Manager at Scripps Health

June 22, 2020 by Erin Berthon | News

I recently sat down to talk with Dr. Alana Routé (’07) about her career journey. During our conversation, I recognized the importance of sharing her story and words of encouragement with Wilkinson students. It is also important to emphasize, as a career advisor, all the different options you have available to you with a social

Letter from the Dean of Wilkinson College June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020 by | News

Exhausted, frustrated, heart-broken, angry – these were the feelings expressed by Chapman students, staff, and faculty who have gathered over the past week to collectively grieve the deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbrey, and Breonna Taylor. The rise of white supremacy, ongoing police brutality, Covid-19, systemic institutionalized racism, black and brown lives lost – racial injustice

Career Corner Why the Liberal Arts Matter More Than Ever

May 21, 2020 by | Wilkinson College

What difference can liberal arts make during this unprecedented global pandemic? Liberal arts are about intellectual freedom and creative, critical, and collaborative inquiry. While the class of 2020 is graduating, and most thought they were entering one of the best job markets, there are many questions and thoughts about the liberal arts jobs that they

Career Corner The COVID-19 Job Market and Advice for Graduating Seniors

April 28, 2020 by Erin Berthon, Philip Goodrich | News

Just four months ago, graduating seniors were preparing to embark on the final stretch of their time at Chapman. No one expected an invisible enemy to change their plans. On top of senior festivities and events being quickly reconfigured, soon-to-be Wilkinson graduates will now face another challenge: navigating a transformed job market.  The COVID-19 pandemic

The Venezuelan Humanitarian Crisis in Virtual Reality Graduate Student Juan Bustillo Interns with Plan País

April 23, 2020 by | Wilkinson College

During the summer of 2019, International Studies graduate student Juan Bustillo spent a month in Washington, DC, interning with the Venezuelan NGO, Plan País. Bustillo worked on a virtual reality (VR) 360° documentary short called Walking for Freedom: A Venezuelan Story in partnership with the Global Shapers and Mycrom Films.  The project, which was showcased

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