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Faculty Books: Unnamed Canyon

March 19, 2025 by | News

Dr. Brian Glaser (English) is the author of six books of poetry. His latest publication, Unnamed Canyon (Shanti Arts, 2024), meditates on teachers and teachings, his educational paths, and significant themes of his personal life in the nineteen-nineties. The Voice of Wilkinson sat down with Dr. Glaser to talk about Unnamed Canyon. The Voice of

From Our Eyes: Creating a Guide to Inna Ray’s Nature, Art, and Poetry An Interterm Internship Experience

February 26, 2025 by Doris Liss ( ’27 Art History, English) | News

Over the interterm, Doris Liss ( ’27 Art History, English) completed a Research Assistantship at the Escalette Collection of Art. She devoted her time to researching Escalette artist, Inna Jane Ray, and creating an interactive self-guided tour booklet that will be used in an upcoming exhibition Body of the World: The Californian Landscapes of Inna

Bridging Disciplines: Dr. Valenzuela and Dr. Rivera Investigate the Contributions of Indigenous Interpreters to Technical Communication

January 21, 2025 by | News

During a lunch at the Marvin W. Meyer Faculty Athenaeum, Dr. Nora Rivera (English) and Dr. Pilar Valenzuela (World Languages and Cultures) realized the unique interconnections of their research using testimonios, a Spanish term for first-person narratives that share personal experiences of social or political injustice, oppression or marginalization. It was then that they decided

From Our Eyes: Charlie Jensen – The Humble Writer with a Brilliant Touch

November 25, 2024 by Emma Niro | News

This edition of From Our Eyes features Emma Niro (’25 MFA Creative Writing) who attended the poetry talk and reading with writer Charles Jensen. The event, co-sponsored by Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, ETW: Leading the Conversation on Gender and Sexuality series and Tabula Poetica, featured Jensen reading excerpts from his poetry

Visual Storytelling and Real-World Reporting: Chapman Student Interns with Voice of OC through Marshutz Endowed Journalism Fund

October 14, 2024 by Erika Taylor | News

Wilkinson College Journalism student Fashion Castillo (25′ Public Relations, Visual Journalism minor (pictured above)) was awarded the Marshutz Endowed Journalism Fund fellowship which supports student internships with local nonprofit newsroom Voice of OC. “The Marshutz fellowship means a lot to me because it’s not just a recognition of my hard work and passion for journalism,

Susan F. Paterno Appointed to Prestigious Tedeschi Professorship of Journalism

September 25, 2024 by Susan Paterno | News

Susan F. Paterno, Professor of English and Director of the Journalism Program, has been appointed to the Tedeschi Professorship of Journalism within the Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, a recognition of her exemplary contributions to the field of journalism and her dedication to education and research. “I’m honored by this recognition, and

Unleashing Creativity: How English Students Embraced Academic Excellence

September 16, 2024 by Dr. Samantha Dressel and Laura Silva | News

This past summer, Dr. Samantha Dressel (English) and six of her current and former students attended the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association’s (RMMRA) annual conference in Cedar City, Utah. The Wilkinson group each presented papers and attended multiple Shakespeare performances at the festival, including Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado About Nothing, The Winter’s

Escalette Collection Ekphrasis Poetry Competition

September 3, 2024 by Jessica Bockinski | News

During the spring 2024 semester, the Escalette Collection of Art and the Department of English’s Creative Writing Program collaborated to host an Ekphrasis Poetry Competition. Undergraduate and graduate students were invited to submit ekphrasis poetry in any style inspired by artwork from the Escalette Collection on display in Smith Hall and Roosevelt Hall, the home

Chapman University Journalism Students and Professors Recognized at Local Journalism Awards

July 10, 2024 by CU Journalism Department | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences students, faculty and alumni won awards and scholarships at the 2024 Orange County Press Club Awards and the 66th Annual Southern California Journalism Awards, presented by the Los Angeles Press Club. “These awards are a testament to the hard work, dedication, and talent of our students and

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