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New Perspectives on the 1973 Arab-Israeli War

January 30, 2013 by | News

You are invited to a special event sponsored by the Center for Global Education , New Perspectives on the 1973 Arab-Israeli War, Thursday, January 31, 2013 in Argyros Forum 209 A at 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. The CIA’s Historical Collections Division will be there to discuss the newly declassified documents regarding the 1973

Learning Never Ends for Chapman University Alumni

January 18, 2013 by | News

Learning is a lifelong journey for Chapman University alumni.  Last year, we launched an innovative new program to help Chapman alumni 50 years of age and older continue learning and growing at their alma mater. Chapman Alumni Lifelong Learning brings these seasoned learners together in the classroom with current students and outstanding faculty for a

Tansu Phillips, a freshman political science major, was elected …

November 29, 2012 by | News

Chapman’s student body elected five students to Student Government Association (SGA) senate and the winners will be initiated into senate in the spring. The Arg yros School of Business and Economics saw a voter turnout of around 8 percent of the student body. Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences saw a turnout of

2nd Annual WCHSS Faculty/Staff vs. Students Soccer Match

November 20, 2012 by | News

It’s that time again … on Friday, December 7, 2012 Wilkinson College faculty and staff will take on Chapman students in the 2nd Annual WCHSS Faculty/Staff vs. Students Soccer Match. Last year’s match ended with the students beating the faculty/staff pretty bad (so bad in fact, nobody seems to remember the exact score) —

Rosa Parks, MLK & 21st Century Struggle

November 19, 2012 by | History

On Tuesd ay, Nov. 27 you are invited to a special lecture with Reverend James Lawson, former Civil Rights Activist,  to hear him speak about Rosa Parks, MLK and the 21st Century Struggle. Reverend Lawson was born September 22, 1928 andwas a leading theoretician and tactician of nonviolence within the American Civil Rights Movement.

The People’s Crisis Documentary Screening

November 15, 2012 by | History

On Tu esday, November 20 at 7 P.M. in Argyros Forum 119 A, the Korean Student Association will host Liberty in No rth Korea Foundation for a screening of their new documentary “The People’s Crisis”. The documentary film will be a various mix of interviews with escaped North Korean refugees and Political Science experts weighing

International Education Week, Nov. 12-16

November 12, 2012 by | News

Today k icks off International Education Week. Be sure to check out all the great things planned! Monday: International Student Sharing Day: Hear international and exchange students in your classes share their stories on where they come from. Tuesday: International Food Fair: Enjoy international cuisine in the Piazza from noon –

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