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Panic in the Time of Pandemic Dr. Christopher Bader sheds some needed insight on fear and panic in the midst of COVID-19.

March 20, 2020 by | News

In the past few weeks, students and workers were sent home, stock markets plummeted, and the President of the United States declared a national emergency over a continuing growing number of coronavirus-19, or COVID-19, cases in the world. Yet, one of the least talked about impacts of COVID-19 is the sociological effects—particularly the ways people

Pushing the Boundaries A Q&A with the The Panther Editor-in-Chief

February 14, 2020 by | News

Back in 2017, Wilkinson senior Louisa “Lou” Marshall (‘20) set in motion a chain of events that would turn her into one of the most prolific student journalists in the country.  As a dance major at New York University, experiencing the 2016 election in the Big Apple brought out an innate curiosity in her. “Being

The Escalette Collection’s 2020 Exhibit: Creativity After Combat Now Open, the Exhibit Focuses on Artworks Created by Veterans.

February 7, 2020 by | News

Cover art designed by Henry Littleworth (’23, Graphic Design) The word “war” commonly evokes pain, death, and destruction. But the newest art installation from The Escalette Permanent Collection of Art reveals a seldom explored aspect of war: creativity. Creativity After Combat honors veterans, past and present, and explores the unique ability of visual art to

Keeping Indigenous Languages Alive Professor Discusses the Relevance of Speaking Amazonian Languages

January 28, 2020 by | News

Did you know that there are roughly 6,909 spoken languages in the world today (according to https://www.linguisticsociety.org)? However, about 2,000 of those languages have fewer than 1,000 speakers? Mind-blown? There are over 2,000 languages endangered today and that count changes constantly. A language becomes endangered when its users begin to teach and speak a more

From MBA to MFA A Graduate Student's Journey

January 8, 2020 by Esther Shin | News

By Esther Shin MFA Graduate Student On Tuesday, May 15, 2018, I wrote the following to myself: I sat in on the MFA poetry reading this evening and I enjoyed it so much. The students did such a great job—their voice, style and subject matter was so diverse. I was slightly envious of them getting

Tabula Poetica’s 10th Anniversary Poets Gather to Celebrate the Milestone

December 13, 2019 by | News

When Dr. Anna Leahy started Tabula Poetica in 2009, she did not imagine what it might be years later. Now known as the center for vibrant conversation about poetry at Chapman University, Tabula Poetica has made a name for itself, hosting more than 50 poets over the years and launching Tab: The Journal of Poetry & Poetics. In December, the Poetry Center

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