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Parent Spring Summit Feb. 22 - 23, 2019

January 11, 2019 by | News

Parent Spring Summit is a program specifically designed to give parents the information most relevant to their student’s stage in college. Individual sessions are offered to give you insight on your student’s current experience and how to prepare for the future, whether that be the next class year or life after graduation. Parent Spring Summit

Science and Culture An Italian Perspective: March 30

December 19, 2018 by | Events

The Italian Studies Program presents – Science and Culture: An Italian Perspective on Saturday, March 30, 2019, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. in the Musco Center for the Arts. Follow the interlaced development of the scientific and artistic understanding of the world. Delight in the creative expressions of discoveries in anatomy, mathematics, geometry, and more.

2019 Graduate Workshops Register today!

December 4, 2018 by | News

Each semester Wilkinson College offers a variety of workshops for graduate students on topics related to academic, personal, and career development. Graduate Students may register for this 0 credit P/NP class through my.chapman.edu. Course number is GUS 530. Here’s a list of workshops coming up. We hope to see you there! Spring 2019 Graduate Student

Annual Holiday Ceramics Sale Dec. 3-7

November 19, 2018 by | News

It’s that time of the year again! The Department of Art presents the Annual Holiday Ceramics Sale, Monday, December 3 – Friday, December 7 in the Attallah Piazza, 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. daily. If you have any questions, please email David Kiddie.

Journalism and Humanities Internships

November 7, 2018 by | News

Attention Journalism and Humanities Students! Following is a list of available internships and job openings with links to position descriptions and applications. Deadlines are listed where available. Women’s Leadership Accelerator: Nov. 30 deadline https://journalists.org/programs/womens-leadership-accelerator/ Center for Health Journalism Fellowship: Dec. 14 deadline https://www.centerforhealthjournalism.org/event/2019-california-fellowship CNN-LA Newsource Winter Intern (No deadline given) https://careers.warnermediagroup.com/TGnewUI/Search/home/HomeWithPreLoad?PageType=JobDetails&partnerid=391&siteid=36&jobId=819843#jobDetails=819843_36 Grant-funded Education Writer for

Blue Wave, Red Tide or Purple Haze Features analysis of the polling, pundits and politicos before the vote

October 22, 2018 by | Art

Please join the Journalism Program, the English Department and Wilkinson College for a symposium on Orange County’s crucial role in the Nov. 6  midterm elections. “Blue Wave, Red Tide or Purple Haze?” features  analysis of the polling, pundits and politicos before the vote. Adam Nagourney, New York Times Los Angeles Bureau Chief Mary Plummer, KPCC

Department of Sociology Sociology Colloquium Series

September 27, 2018 by | News

The Department of Sociology hosts monthly colloquia featuring faculty members and guest scholars throughout the academic year. All students and faculty in the Department of Sociology (Sociology; Anthropology; Women’s Studies; Law, Justice and Social Control; Latinx Studies, etc.) are encouraged to come. Sociology Colloquium Series Below is a list of when these will be happening

A Conversation on Cronyism in Anaheim

June 26, 2018 by | News

Many Americans across the political spectrum believe the American tradition of free enterprise has been corrupted by bad public policy giving special emoluments to a favored few. This cronyism is too often manifested at the local level, to the economic detriment of our towns and communities. Is cronyism a new phenomena, or is it embedded

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