292 posts categorized in



Advance Your Financial Literacy With The Personal Financial Seminar

October 11, 2012 by | News

Attention Wilkinson Students:  want to organize your financial affairs, achieve your financial objectives, and secure a sound financial future?  Here’s your chance to learn real life financial skills outside of the classroom.  The Hoag Center for Real Estate and Finance at Chapman University is pleased to offer a 3-week seminar on personal financial management.   The

Confucian Role Ethics with Roger Ames

October 8, 2012 by | News

Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences and Asian Studies Minor along with the Dr. Richard Watson Distinguished Speaker Series presents, Confucian Role Ethics , with guest lecturer Roger Ames, Ph.D. on Wednesday, October 10 in the Bush Conference Center of Beckman Hall, room 404. The reception will begin at 4:30 p.m., followed by a

VOICES! A New Series at Chapman!

October 5, 2012 by | News

Student & Campus Life and UPB are proud to debut a brand new program series: VOICES! with an opening performance sponsored by Safe Space and Chapman’s Queer Straight Alliance. VOICES! combines performance art and social justice in order to entertain and inspire. The opening performance will feature spoken word artists Traci Kato-Kiriyama, Aakash

Wilkinson Chair’s Meeting

October 1, 2012 by | News

Wilkinson Chairs h ard at work discussing a variety of issues. We are moving towards establishing a range of guidelines for tenure and promotion; for developing strategic plans at the Department and College level. You may also note how the Chairs are sinking in their seats as I proposed yet another committee!

First Chair’s Meeting

September 28, 2012 by | News

Our first Chair’s meeting since semester began. The Chairs perhaps looked a little awe-struck (a euphemism?) when Eric and Ann (the Associate Deans) and I laid out some of the plans for the coming weeks. We are setting off to build a series of strategic plans – for each department and then for the college

The Schweitzer Collection

September 28, 2012 by | News

Met with the library people to discuss the College’s Schweitzer collection. This is a large collection of documents, objects, and possessions owned and related to Albert Schweitzer. This is a resource with great potential, but largely uncatalogued. It will be a slow, but rewarding, task to turn the collection into a usable resource for faculty,

From Chair to Dean …

September 27, 2012 by | News

No real routine yet – too early of course. The days are filled with meetings – many interesting and full of promise. As I transition from being a Chair to a Dean it is interesting to work with my colleagues and appreciate what they are doing in the early days of semester. There is comfort

I Should Buy Them Some Chocolate …

September 27, 2012 by | News

Today I was reminded of the importance of support staff – all that they do is so often ‘behind the scenes’ and yet vital to every College, Department, and individual faculty. As Wilkinson moves in new directions the significance of the staff becomes more emphasized. Today we continued our interviews for the Dean’s assistant (left

The Fourth Annual Closing the Latino Achievement Gap Summit

September 11, 2012 by | News

On Friday, September 14, 2012, Chapman University is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Closing th e Latino Achievement Gap Summit (CLAG) . This year’s theme is “En Colaboracción – A Call for United Action” and will begin at 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Chapman University in Beckman Hall, room 404. The purpose

Knowledge Does Not Know Boundaries

September 6, 2012 by | News

Day 3: I snuck a few hours of research time today – a guilty pleasure! I’m aiming to finish up an afterward for a forthcoming book on Cinematic Terror and the Sublime; and there is also the writing up of a conference paper that I gave at a conference on Psychoanalysis and Poetry at Oxford

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