288 posts categorized in



First Chair’s Meeting

September 28, 2012 by | News

Our first Chair’s meeting since semester began. The Chairs perhaps looked a little awe-struck (a euphemism?) when Eric and Ann (the Associate Deans) and I laid out some of the plans for the coming weeks. We are setting off to build a series of strategic plans – for each department and then for the college

The Schweitzer Collection

September 28, 2012 by | News

Met with the library people to discuss the College’s Schweitzer collection. This is a large collection of documents, objects, and possessions owned and related to Albert Schweitzer. This is a resource with great potential, but largely uncatalogued. It will be a slow, but rewarding, task to turn the collection into a usable resource for faculty,

From Chair to Dean …

September 27, 2012 by | News

No real routine yet – too early of course. The days are filled with meetings – many interesting and full of promise. As I transition from being a Chair to a Dean it is interesting to work with my colleagues and appreciate what they are doing in the early days of semester. There is comfort

I Should Buy Them Some Chocolate …

September 27, 2012 by | News

Today I was reminded of the importance of support staff – all that they do is so often ‘behind the scenes’ and yet vital to every College, Department, and individual faculty. As Wilkinson moves in new directions the significance of the staff becomes more emphasized. Today we continued our interviews for the Dean’s assistant (left

The Fourth Annual Closing the Latino Achievement Gap Summit

September 11, 2012 by | News

On Friday, September 14, 2012, Chapman University is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Closing th e Latino Achievement Gap Summit (CLAG) . This year’s theme is “En Colaboracción – A Call for United Action” and will begin at 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. at Chapman University in Beckman Hall, room 404. The purpose

Knowledge Does Not Know Boundaries

September 6, 2012 by | News

Day 3: I snuck a few hours of research time today – a guilty pleasure! I’m aiming to finish up an afterward for a forthcoming book on Cinematic Terror and the Sublime; and there is also the writing up of a conference paper that I gave at a conference on Psychoanalysis and Poetry at Oxford

Sociology Major wins ASA Student Forum Paper Award

August 30, 2012 by | Soc

Sociology major Clay Thomas has won the 2012 Student Forum Paper Award given by the American Sociological Association (ASA) for his paper, “Disc Golfing: Disunity in the Struggle for Sport Legitimization.”  The honor comes with a cash prize and travel funds to the ASA annual meeting to be held in Denver, Colorado, August 17-20.

Wilkinson College at the Staff Summit 2012 – Resource Fair

June 14, 2012 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences was excited at the opportunity to showcase all Wilkinson departments and programs, and the faculty within those departments and programs, at the Staff Summit Resource Fair on Thursday, June 14 in Beckman Hall. Wilkinson displayed faculty published books, student and faculty research projects, ancient artifacts, Wilkinson Review (past

And The Laura Scudder Women’s Studies Scholarship Goes To …

May 17, 2012 by | News

On Monday, May 14, Megan McKeown (’15), Peace Studies Major and Women’s Studies Minor, was the well deserved recipient of the Laura Scudder Women’s Studies Scholarship. In honor of Laura Scudder’s multi-disciplined and diverse accomplishments, applicants were asked to submit a 500-word essay explaining how their Major field of study intersects with

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