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Tibetan Buddhist Retreat, Jan. 2011

October 4, 2010 by | News

Tibetan Buddhist Retreat: SOC 326, Mind, Self and Society in Tibetan Buddhism. This is a 10 day retreat course at a Tibetan-American Meditation Center in Colorado Rockies (Shambhala Mountain Center). For those interested in Eastern Paths of Liberation, this is a wonderful opportunity to explore the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism as well as the Sacred

Department of Sociology

September 1, 2010 by | Soc

Victoria Carty, Ph.D., assistant professor, Department of Sociology, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences, recently published a book with Routledge Press titled, Wired and Mobilizing: Social Movements, New Technology, and Electoral Politics. The manuscript examines how new information technologies, including the Internet and new forms of social media, facilitate and enhance collective behavior to

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