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Wilkinson Professor Spearheads University Partnership with Underground GRIT

December 8, 2020 by | News

The brainchild of Wilkinson College Sociology professor Dr. Victoria Carty, the Chapman University and Underground GRIT (UG) Partnership helps young people who have been impacted by the criminal justice system re-enter society from juvenile hall, prison, and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention. To accomplish this goal, the program invites them to participate in courses

Thanksgiving is a Complex Holiday

November 20, 2020 by | News

When it comes to the history of Thanksgiving, the mainstream version goes like this – white settlers on the Mayflower that landed near Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts in 1620 were greeted by a friendly Wampanoag tribe, who had lived there for thousands of years prior. The Wampanoag tribe taught the new settlers how to catch

Reverend William J. Barber II Promotes Hope, not Hate

October 28, 2020 by Samantha De La O | News

Reverend William J. Barber has hope for the future of American democracy, and little tolerance for defeatism, or for the news media that fuels it. “We have got to stop excusing language that creates desperation,” said Barber. “[The media] talks about the 61 million people that voted for Trump, but they don’t talk about the

Chapman Research Mentor Helps Undergrads Overdeliver

October 21, 2020 by Ann Gordon | News

I’m passionate about undergraduate research because I’ve seen firsthand how it transforms lives. Just as important, I’ve seen how young scholars greatly contribute to successful research projects. The influence of students was central when my co-PI partners Christopher Bader, Edward Day and I first developed the Chapman University Survey of American Fears, an in-depth examination

Sociology Professor Dr. Pete Simi Awarded Grant for Counterterrorism Research How can we support families to more effectively identify and counter warning signs for white supremacist extremism?

September 8, 2020 by | News

“For too long we have ignored the problem of white supremacist extremism which has allowed this problem to grow and fester.” said Dr. Pete Simi, Associate Professor of Sociology. “Now, we are facing on and offline recruitment occurring across a wide range of social media platforms and youth subcultures with increased sophistication sometimes relying on

Chapman Student Combines Research, Activism to Combat Racism in Local Schools With faculty mentorship, Marisa Quezada ’22 informs activism with data.

September 8, 2020 by | News

Marisa Quezada ’22 was scrolling through her Instagram feed when a post about racism in her community’s schools caught her eye. It was a survey asking community members to share their stories about racism on Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) campuses. Quezada, who grew up in the district, didn’t think twice before submitting her own

Faculty Books: The Kingdom By Dr. Earl Babbie

September 3, 2020 by Talisa Flores | News

Dr. Earl Babbie, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, has always had the answer when research methods are in question but for the first time in his career he has undertaken a new challenge that has, in his words, “no real answer”. After years of writing college textbooks, with more than a million copies in print, his

Grant Writer’s Boot Camp Learning through the Grant Process Simulation

August 12, 2020 by | News

Through a competitive application process, six Wilkinson College faculty have been selected to participate in the second annual Chapman Grant Writers’ Boot Camp, designed to assist faculty in learning about all phases of applying for external grant funds. In this simulation of the grant process, faculty will respond to a Request for Proposals (RFP), learn

Dr. Bostean Awarded Funds for COVID-19 Research

July 22, 2020 by | News

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic continues to impact all parts of the U.S. and the world. Schools and businesses remain closed or are conducting activities remotely, and communities have had to implement controversial social distancing measures. “The magnitude of the crisis we are now facing provides an opportunity for self-reflection– both as individuals, but more importantly

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