3 posts tagged

Alumni News


Mary Plummer (’07) shines in the NYT, May 18

May 20, 2011 by | News

Please join me in congratulating journalism alum and former Panther Editor-in-Chief  Mary Plummer (’07) whose piece on aging appeared in the New York Times May 18. Click here to Read! After earning her MSJ from Columbia University, Mary completed a fellowship with ABC News in London and is now working with ABC News in Los Angeles. To

Jennifer Gish wins national award

March 31, 2011 by | News

Jennifer Gish’s (’09, BA in English, journalism emphasis) headline, “Facebook a friend again,” was part of The Orange County Register staff entry that won the American Copy Editors Society’s 2011 headline contest. They earned first place in their division: newspapers with circulations between 160,001 and 240,000. The judges said: “This choice wasn’t close for any of us,

Literary Magazine and Creative Nonfiction Journal Come to Life

December 1, 2010 by | News

Litterbox Magazine – Founded by Pat Martin (’09) and Sarah Reck (’09) is the result of a facebook status conversation between two graduate student friends living on opposite sides of the country. In such a world ripe with technology, the idea was immediate: to create an online receptacle for bold, fresh voices in the literary

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