351 posts tagged

Art Department


Photo + Plus

February 15, 2012 by | Art

Adjunct Faculty member, David Lee, is the Art Curator for Coastline Art Gallery which is currently showing an exhibition called Photo + Plus until March 10. These artists have contributed or continue to contribute innovative approaches to the photographic medium. Artists included in this exhibition have found unique ways to re-present the image through photographic manipulation,

Alpha BET in the Leatherby Libraries

February 14, 2012 by | Art

Alpha Bet, a beautiful exhibition by Alex J. Rajic (Post-Baccaluareate Chapman University) and Michael Hafftka (Escalette Collection of Art) are currently displaying their work in the Leatherby Libraries until February 17.  The reception for the show will be February 15, 5-7pm in Leatherby Library’s Henley Reading Room.

Forward Thinking: A Curatorial Roundabout

February 14, 2012 by | Art

Three Chapman students are a part of a video program at the College Art Association Centennial Conference consisting of 27 student artists and six different schools in Southern California. Rebecca Rau (Art), Hannah Karsen (Art), and Sayer Kanakriyeh (Film) are involved as curators and chosen artists in the “Forward Thinking: A Curatorial Roundabout” which will

Speaker Việt Lê

February 13, 2012 by | Art

Việt Lê, an artist, academic, creative writer, and curator, will be speaking Thursday, February 16 at 9:00 – 10:15 in MC 213. Come enjoy and listen to his talk or even check out his website vietle.net before to see some of his work.

Dawn Huxley’s Trip to New York

February 13, 2012 by | Art

Adjunct faculty member, Dawn Huxley, traveled to New York last winter to conduct research on several topics that she includes in her Life Drawing courses.  Included in this research was the study of master drawings by Michelangelo, Del Sarto, Rembrandt and Prud’hon in the private drawing study room at the Metropolitan Museum of Art.  In

Quotient Space

February 13, 2012 by | Art

Adjunct faculty member, David Lee, has an exhibition with Michael Knight called Quotient Space. The show opened February 11 at Autonomie in Los Angeles.  For more information about the show and Professor Lee’s work go to: http://autonomiefoundation.blogspot.com/

Intersection of Art and Science Spring 2012

February 13, 2012 by | Art

The Intersection of Art and Science class this spring visited NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and got to see the “sandbox,” which is where NASA engineers test escape strategies for the immobilized Spirit rover. They landed the robot on Mars and have been exploring the planet for five years until it got stuck in a

Great Turnout at Fanatical Mechanical

February 10, 2012 by | Art

                              Monday, February 6, House Industries opened their exhibit, Fanatical Mechanical in the Guggenheim Gallery. The show was expected to have over one hundred people show but ended up having even a greater turnout. After the opening, crowds of people went

Class Action at the Museum of Teaching and Learning

January 30, 2012 by | Art

Adjunct faculty member, Gail Griswold, designed a 32-panel exhibit called “Class Action” in Summer 2011 for the Museum of Teaching and Learning, about school desegregation in California. The show runs through May at the Old Courthouse in Santa Ana, which is open weekdays from 9-5pm

David Lee teaches in Guangzhou, China

January 30, 2012 by | Art

                                Adjunct faculty member, David Lee, taught an art appreciation course to students in China through Coastline Community College’s (EBUS) program. The course was taught via Skype once a week to a dozen students who were interested in western art

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