2 posts tagged

Department of Peace Studies


New Partnership with the Center for International Experiential Learning

October 14, 2022 by David Krausman | News

The MA in International Studies program and the Department of Peace Studies are excited to announce a new partnership with the Center for International Experiential Learning (CIEL). CIEL’s unique holistic learning model combines extensive interdisciplinary pre-travel scholarly education with on-the-ground experiential learning in conflict-affected regions guided by internationally recognized scholars and local experts. This past

From the Syrian Refugee Crisis to Disarmament Ambassador Hans-Joachim Daerr

October 12, 2015 by | News

The D epartment of Peace Studies and the Center for Global Education presents, From the Syrian Refugee Crisis to Disarmament: A Conflict Management Symposium with Ambassador Hans-Joachim Daerr on Wednesday, November 4, 2015 at 7 p.m. in Beckman 404. From 1998 to 2001 Ambassador Daerr was the German Ambassador to Pakistan, subsequently he has

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