4 posts tagged

Department of World Languages and Culture


January Abroad: Chapman Students Carry on Field Research in Rome

January 29, 2024 by Federico Pacchioni | News

Rome is the quintessential site for examining the evolution of various cultural phenomena across millennia, the structuring of political power, intertextual relationships in virtually all of the arts, the development of religion, the aesthetic exploration of place, and more. The city stands as a theater of humanity where themes and questions can be explored within

A Historic Event for the Amahuaca People of Peru

May 27, 2023 by | News

The Amahuaca people number fewer than 1,000 individuals, of whom only 330 speak the Native language. For the first time, thanks to the work of Wilkinson College’s Dr. Pilar Valenzuela, representatives from all the Amahuaca villages gathered in the city of Pucallpa in Peru to assess the status of their Native language and prepare a

New study will allow the Shipibo-Konibo people to officially register with traditional proper names

March 14, 2019 by Pilar Valenzuela | News

It has been estimated that up to 45% of Peru’s ca. 33 million people is Amerindian. Almost 50 different indigenous groups, speaking their own languages, inhabit the country’s Andean and Amazonian regions. Until recently it was almost impossible for Native parents to officially register their children using proper names in their own languages, either because

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