2 posts tagged

Dr. Chris Bader


Dr. Chris Bader Awarded Two Grants totaling $945,515

August 12, 2024 by | News

Dr. Chris Bader (Sociology) received two grants totaling $945,515 from the John Templeton Foundation and Templeton Religion Trust for “Using the Association of Religion Data Archives (ARDA) to Strengthen the Religion Research Community.” These awards are part of larger $1,601,031 John Templeton Foundation and $782,086 Templeton Religion Trust awards to Dr. Andrew Whitehead at Indiana

Wilkinson College’s Ghost Hunt

October 29, 2021 by Danielle Espiritu | News

Just in time for Halloween,  Sociology Professor and Department Chair Chris Bader, who specializes in studies of fear and the paranormal, led fifteen Wilkinson College students, faculty, and staff  on a tour of the Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle House, a “haunted” residence of one of Orange County’s first female physicians, who lived and worked there from

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