2 posts tagged

Dr. Glenn Kurtz


Three Minutes: A Lengthening A Glimpse into the lives of unsuspecting Jewish citizens in 1938

September 24, 2022 by Natalie Figueroa | News

In 2009, Wilkinson College Presidential Fellow in English and History, Dr. Glenn Kurtz came across some old film in his parent’s closet. He discovered the film documented his grandparents’ trip to Europe in 1938, which included three minutes of David and Liza Kurtz’s visit to Nasielsk, Poland. These three minutes would become the only known

Lewis Hine and the Men Who Built the Empire State Building

November 30, 2021 by Natalie Figueroa | News

Dr. Glenn Kurtz, presidential fellow at Chapman University recently presented the Chapman community with a glimpse into his forthcoming book  “Lewis Hine and the Men Who Built the Empire State Building.” In his lecture, Kurtz told the stories of the previously nameless men who appear in Lewis H. Hine’s famous photographs, taken to document the

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