6 posts tagged

Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice


Godzilla and the Imagination of Anxiety

December 14, 2021 by Amy Asmussen | News

Wilkinson College’s Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice, recently welcomed Dr. Bill Tsutsui, President and CEO of Ottawa University, who presented “Godzilla and the Imagination of Anxiety, from Hiroshima to COVID-19.” Walking the audience through Godzilla’s evolution, Tsutsui explained why he became so enamored with Godzilla at a young age, and continues

My Life as a Cave Diver

November 15, 2021 by | News

The Bensussen Distinguished Lecture in the Arts welcomed Jill Heinerth, Canadian cave diver, underwater explorer, writer, photographer, and film-maker. Heinerth has explored the most dangerous and beautiful underwater caves on earth, discovered never-before-seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs and has led expeditions into extreme environments to advance scientific and geographic knowledge. According to filmmaker James

“Prayers for Flint” Storyteller and Artist Karen Hampton

November 1, 2021 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences hosted textile artist and educator Karen Hampton as part of the Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice to examine the Flint water crisis and its impact on the majority black city. “Prayers for Flint” is her story of the people of Flint, Michigan, who

ETW: The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice

September 30, 2021 by | News

Dr. Robert Bullard, known as the “father of environmental justice” joined Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences as the keynote speaker and special guest for their signature series, Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice (ETW), “The Quest for Environmental and Climate Justice.” The award-winning author of eighteen books and co-founder

Engaging the World: Environmental Justice in the OC 

September 21, 2021 by Amy Asmussen | News

Recently, Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences invited PJ Flores, Keila Villegas, and Kayla Asato of Orange County Environmental Justice (OCEJ) to discuss local environmental injustices in the latest Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice (ETW) event, “Bringing the Fight for Environmental Justice to Orange County.” OCEJ is a non-profit

Artist Karen Hampton: Weaving the Threads of History

July 29, 2021 by Jessica Bocinski | News

We are excited to announce that textile artist, educator, and mentor, Karen Hampton who investigates United States history and explores the continued legacy of slavery in America and the African Diaspora will be a special guest speaker, “Prayers for Flint” for Engaging the World: Leading the Conversation on Environmental Justice on October 29, 2021 (mark

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