35 posts tagged



National High School Ethics Bowl Fosters Critical Thinking and Collaboration Among Students

February 24, 2025 by Aliyah Ramirez (‘25 Political Science)  | News

February 8, 2025, marked Chapman University’s tenth year hosting the Southern California Regional High Schools Ethics Bowl competition. Twenty teams from nineteen different schools competed. Glendora High School and Canyon Crest High School advanced to the divisional competition where they will face two northern California teams. The National High School Ethics Bowl Organization (NHSEB) provides

Faculty Books – Justice and Restitution in Post-Nazi Romania: Rebuilding Jewish Lives and Communities, 1944-1950

February 12, 2025 by Emma Niro (‘25 MFA Creative Writing) | News

Dr. Stefan Cristian Ionescu, Associate Professor (History) and Associate Director of Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education, is the author of Justice and Restitution in Post-Nazi Romania: Rebuilding Jewish Lives and Communities, 1944-1950 (Cambridge University Press, 2024). Ionescu’s work examines the relationship between Jews and gentiles and investigates “what happened with the confiscated Jewish assets, the

Faculty Book: The Sandinista Revolution, A Global Latin American History

March 21, 2024 by | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences congratulates Dr. Mateo Jarquín (History) on his first published book, The Sandinista Revolution, A Global Latin American History (The University of North Carolina Press). “In my discipline (History), monographs are the name of the game; books are the main way that students and scholars consume research. So,

Japanese American Incarceration: The Camps and Coerced Labor During World War II

April 21, 2023 by Amy Asmussen | News

Wilkinson College of Art, Humanities, and Social Sciences invited Dr. Stephanie Hinnershitz, a research historian at the National WWII Museum specializing in the home front and civil-military relations during World War II, to discuss her book, Japanese American Incarceration: The Camps and Coerced Labor During World War II with Wilkinson students, faculty, and staff. Hinnershitz

The Life and Art of Charlotte Salomon

October 10, 2022 by Staci Dumoski | News

A two-night event presented by the Rodgers Center for Holocaust Education at Chapman University will explore the life and art of Charlotte Salomon. On Tuesday, Oct. 25, an online lecture by noted Salomon expert Monica Bohm-Duchen will introduce the life and work of the German-Jewish artist, who died in Auschwitz at the age of 26.

The Doctor is In A Student Research Project on Medical History

December 20, 2021 by Natalie Figueroa | News

Wilkinson College student Nat Pendergraft (‘22, History and TV Writing and Production Major and ‘23, MA War and Society), conducted an interactive exhibit on medical history, The Doctor is In, which took visitors “…on a tour through all the wacky things humans have tried on the human body.” Activities included treating insomnia with poppies/opium (during

Lewis Hine and the Men Who Built the Empire State Building

November 30, 2021 by Natalie Figueroa | News

Dr. Glenn Kurtz, presidential fellow at Chapman University recently presented the Chapman community with a glimpse into his forthcoming book  “Lewis Hine and the Men Who Built the Empire State Building.” In his lecture, Kurtz told the stories of the previously nameless men who appear in Lewis H. Hine’s famous photographs, taken to document the

War, the Presidency, and the American Public

October 25, 2021 by | News

Wilkinson College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences recently hosted historian and former reporter for The Washington Post, Michael Dobbs, who spoke on “War, the Presidency, and the American Public – From FDR to George W. Bush.” Dobbs is the author of seven books (including his New York Times Bestseller, One Minute to Midnight about

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