13 posts tagged



Wilkinson College at the Staff Summit 2012 – Resource Fair

June 14, 2012 by | Events

Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences was excited at the opportunity to showcase all Wilkinson departments and programs, and the faculty within those departments and programs, at the Staff Summit Resource Fair on Thursday, June 14 in Beckman Hall. Wilkinson displayed faculty published books, student and faculty research projects, ancient artifacts, Wilkinson Review (past

Faculty in Department of Languages In-Action

February 13, 2012 by | Lang

Dr. Valenzuela leads linguistics workshop for native teachers in the Amazon Pilar Valenzuela,Ph.D., associate professor, Department of Languages, Wilkinson College,recently led a four-day workshop to analyze the grammar of Shawi, an indigenouslanguage spoken in the Province of Alto Amazonas, in northeastern Peru. The workshop took place in Yurimaguas, a small town on the banks of

Department of Languages

October 12, 2010 by | News

Pilar Valenzuela, Ph.D., associate professor of Spanish, Department of Languages, has recently published an article called, “Ethnic-racial reclassification and language revitalization among the Shiwilu from Peruvian Amazonia.” Read Article!

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