2 posts tagged

Master of International Studies


Wilkinson Senior Marvin Garbeh Davis Jr. (’14) Publishes Book

April 15, 2014 by | News

Chapman University/ Wilkinson College senior, Marvin Garbeh Davis Jr. (’14), recently published a book about his life torn apart by war titled, From Refugee to Prodigy: A Story of Loss, Love and New Life . It is a story of his journey from childhood spent in a refugee camp to becoming an educated member

Wilkinson Student Awarded Doti Outstanding Graduate Student Award for a Masters Degree

April 16, 2013 by | News

Congratulations are in order for M.A. International Studies student Valentina Marinac who has been awarded with the  “Doti Outstanding Masters degree Graduate student Award” at Chapman University for the 2012-2013 academic year. After careful consideration and consultation, Dr. Doti has graciously agreed to fund two awards each year, one for a doctoral level candidate and

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