22 posts tagged

MFA students


AWP 2019: A Guide

March 28, 2019 by Matt Goldman | English

AWP 2019: A Guide By Matthew Goldman For many of us in the MFA in Creative Writing program at Chapman University, this is our first year attending North America’s largest literary conference. This year, we’re in Portland, OR, on March 27-30. My peers may feel as I did at this time a year ago, perhaps

So you’re in an MFA program–now what? A guest post by MFA Candidate Alex Quintanilla

March 19, 2019 by Alex Quintanilla | English

The MFA, Writing Habits, & Community by Alex Quintanilla Choosing to pursue an MFA in Creative Writing is an honorable and ambitious endeavor. It means that you are making a commitment to becoming a better storyteller. However, the path to bettering oneself is not without resistance. Rigorous writing workshops and literature courses will push your mental

So you’re in an MFA program–now what? A guest post by MFA Candidate Elizabeth Chen

February 12, 2019 by Elizabeth Chen | English

When someone tells me that they are a writer, I am never sure what that means without more context. Is it storytelling? Journalism? Blogging? Food and travel reviews? Screenwriting? Stage plays? Ghost writing? Poetry? Experimental? Literary criticism? The style, the voice, the expectations, and the ways one can achieve “success” are different across these professional

Facing Fears as a Writer

October 8, 2018 by | News

By Sam Risak Dual MA/MFA Student This fall, I moved from Florida and started the MFA in Creative Writing program at Chapman University. I’m starting to get settled here, but I’m not settling as a writer. In fact, it’s just the opposite. Only a few weeks into my first semester, and I’ve gained insight from

Study Spots and Happenin’ Hangouts Around Campus

October 1, 2018 by Matthew Goldman | News

By Matthew Goldman Graduate Research Assistant Now that the semester is in full swing, you are probably looking for a place where you can finish your 200-page reading assignment for the lit class you’re enrolled in. Or maybe you need to escape the distractions at your house to write that creative piece that’s due for

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